Factor 11 Fitness | Personal Trainer | Bergenfield, NJ

Your Fitness and Performnace to a Higher Degree

Factor 11 Fitness, based out of Bergenfield, NJ provides client focused in home/on location personal training designed to help you achieve your fitness and performance goals!

Garage Gym training

Come train with me at my garage based training space in Bergenfield, NJ. Fully equipped with all the tools necessary to provide you with a complete training experience…See Gallery

Contact for rates

in home personal training

Not everyone is comfortable in a gym setting or has time to travel to the gym, so I bring the gym to you! You provide the place and I bring the necessary equipment, the plan and the motivation to assist in your fitness transformation! 

***In Home services provided in Bergen County, some exceptions may apply***

Contact for rates


Multiple session package discounts available

4 Sessions - 10%

8 Sessions - 12%

12 Sessions - 15%


specializing in

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A combination of Strength and Conditioning with Boxing Fundamentals and Drills to help you achieve peak levels of fitness and learn the craft of boxing at the same time.  Every session is set up like a boxer’s training camp.  There is a reason boxers are some of the fittest athletes on the planet!                                                                 


metabolic conditioning(hiit)

One of my personal favorites!  Turn up the intensity by a factor of 11! If you want to get shredded and take your strength and conditioning through the roof this is for you.  Training that utilizes full body compound movements with little rest between designed to burn more calories during your workout and maximize calories burned after your workout.

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This is the type of training to use if you want variety in your program and to get a complete level of overall fitness and athletic performance.  Combining different equipment and methods to achieve Agility, Stability, Size, Speed, Stamina and Strength using Barbells, Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Medicine Balls and beyond. 



What you put into your body is as important as the training you put your body through.  Proper nutrition provides the necessary fuel to support strenuous training sessions, aid in recovery as well as being vital for weight management and muscular development.  Training and Nutrition

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Training that involves mimicking movement patterns of everyday life.  Functional fitness exercises are designed to train and develop your muscles to make it easier and safer to perform everyday activities, reduce your risk of injury, improve your quality of life and give you longevity. Everyone should be functionally fit!                          

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obstacle race preparation

Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, Rugged Maniac, Warrior Dash...Whichever you choose, make it a successful and enjoyable experience by getting properly prepared with training designed to allow you to conquer the obstacles they put in front of you.  I have competed in and torn through many of these and know what it takes to get you to the finish with a smile on your face, a sense of achievement and looking forward to the next one!


phone: 201.960.0571     email: factor11fitness@gmail.com     location: bergenfield, nj

Factor 11 Fitness | All Rights Reserved © 2019. No use of Materials or Photos without consent.
Background photography by: Unknown